USD/CAD to fall to around 1.3% next year – SocGen

Published On: December 30, 2023

If the US Dollar weakens in general, it is likely to do so against the CAD, too, economists at Société Générale report.

Fed and BoC to ease monetary policy at a similar pace to each other

The biggest drivers for USD/CAD could be the general direction of the USD (which we expect to weaken as US growth slows) and relative changes in Canadian and US long-dated bond yields. A declining US yield environment and a weaker dollar should drag USD/CAD lower in the absence of new idiosyncratic drivers of CAD.

In a not very imaginative forecast, we expect USD/CAD to fall to around 1.3% next year, as US yields fall (10s trading down to 3.75%) and the Fed and Bank of Canada ease monetary policy at a similar pace to each other.

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